170 icons ft. SHINee, Infinite, EXO, SNSD ♥
Twitter Headers (SHINee, Infinite, EXO, SNSD)
A/N: Heyya, it’s been a while, eh? Hahaha, to be honest I really miss my LJ, and holiday’s around the corner, so I’m gonna give my proper greeting through this (kinda fail) batch. Hope you enjoy the-pre-holiday-batch~
SHINee Icon
Infinite Icon
EXO Icon
Twitter Header
A/N: Well guys, I really hope you’re gonna enjoy this quick batch, even if I know that it’s kinda crappy ;____; I was in a rush. Anyway, like what I’ve said above, holiday’s coming, I think I’m gonna make may graphic batches in the future and also maybe I’ll start writing again, so please look forward to it ^^
Please let me know if you’re using one of them, crediting is highly appreciated but it’s not really necessary just don’t claim them as yours :)
Thanks a lot for the comment guys, love ya <3