Nov 15, 2004 02:05
I'm currently in the midst of redesigning the VS site. I have to take breaks because my eyes will end up drying out from overexposure to computer screen. I should have everything done by the end of the week, but ready or not, it's going up on Friday. I bought a video capture device finally. I can actually add videos to the site. My next purchase needs to be a dvd burner because I would like to transfer all my video bootlegs to dvd. VHS tapes are just too clunky and take up too much space.
Today I slept for nearly 12 hours. I have no idea how that happened either. I woke up around noon and didn't feel like getting up just yet. I closed my eyes just to rest a little bit, then all of a sudden it was 3pm. That's what I love about Sundays. They're just so lazy. Especially in the winter.
A funny thing happened last week when I checked my Yahoo email and realized an old friend emailed me. It was weird to reconnect again, even through emails. But it was a nice surprise and we scheduled to meet. There are so many people I haven't seen in almost three years and it will be nice to see them all again. I heard lots of drama has happened, which is funny in some sort of way. I wonder how they will react to me and if they'll think I've changed at all. I don't know if I have. I would like to think so. I'm definitely not the same person I was three years ago when they last saw me.
I can't believe next month in Christmas. How did that happen?