Oct 23, 2006 17:41
On Monday, October 23 (tonight) @ 7:30 at the town hall there will be a meeting
and vote for the establishment of the conservation commission for the
town of Burlington.
Ed Jurkiewicz was the chair of the Ad Hoc committee that drafted the
framework for this proposed commission and will be speaking about the
program and the purpose for it. He will also explain what the
commission cannot do i.e. seize private property, halt development,
infringe on land owner rights etc as some rumors have reported. The
commission will work to preserve open space (forest, farms etc.) special
natural and historic sites. It will have the knowledge and resources to
evaluate land as valuable for conservation and make recommendations to
the town. It will have the creativity, willingness and ability to work
with willing landowners, town residents, the Connecticut DEP and various
public organizations whose purpose is to preserve open space for the
enjoyment of all. It will bring the community together and result in
benefits to all residents.
The current population in Burlington is approx 9,000 and the projected
buildout of Burlington is 15,000. Is this a good outcome? What effect
will the increased population have on our tax base, our schools, our
infrastructure and town services? What will the effect of this
increased population have on the quality of your life?
Once Ed is finished there will be a period for questions and answers and
public comments. Once this is finished there will be a vote to
establish the committee.
If these things are important to you please come to the meeting and vote
YES for the formation of the Conservation Committee. Please pass this
on to friends and family.
please come. it'd mean so much to me if any of you came... i'd love you forever.