work, off at nine. ashtray, then drunkards at monicas. drew and monica broke up. i dont know how i feel about it. i want monica to be happy. but i dont know drew well enough to have a strong opinion either way. it sucks that hes hurt though.
everyone was drunk but me. :( i dont work sunday, so im gonna sleep over at monicas and get suuuper trashed tomorrow night. yea. hopefully charlie (my super hero) will take bill home. i so want to get drunk with him, but i never can cause i always have to take him home. i typing too fast right now and it hurts. ok i stopped. dumb ass. im seriously happy with my life right now. once i get a new job and my mom moves out and gooch and amber move in, i will be set! hell yeah. its gonna be awesome. and christina is moving in with monica... wow. we rule. ha.
and on a SUPER happy note. bill is so awesome. hes perfect. i cant handle it. whhhhhEEEEEE!!!! ::happy as fuck sigh::
AND! i have a beautiful new piece. and look! its still legal in that pic!! ::Evil grin:: WOOT! i need to get herb tomorrow. fuck. i lost. i need a new job.
my new little baby in my new sugars not little at all hand.
there is no one in the world i would rather cristen my pipe with. yes. christina, bill and nolan, if only monica was there. :(
el porto beach was pretty. and the birdies flew by... i was so in a happy world. yay. ha, i took that through my windshield.
i guess that's it for now. until another happy post.
p.s. (sad note) something crucial happened to my best friend and she didnt tell me for months! kinda made me feel like ass. oh well.