Feb 22, 2004 01:16
so the wonderful day that is Frebruary 22, 2004 started out in a lull of sleep, which began at 4:20AM and continued on interuption free until 9AM at which point my mom asked me "so you gonna sleep the day away?". Followed by a few more mom-like interuptions. And ended when Bill called me around 6ish. I got out of bed, showered and prepared for a rainy night. Christina and Charlie decided to eat at El Sobrero, so by 8:00, Bill, Jason, Christina, Charlie and i were sitting in the parking lot of El Sombrero. smoke.
After that, we went to Jefferson. sesh. We had a few cigarettes then went to xtinas and sat around waiting for Monica to call. We then cruised over to Monica's house. Mind the pouring rain. Sara came by. fire. She hung out in the livingroom with us for a while, then spent the rest of the evening in Jeremy's room cause he lets people smoke cigarettes in there. sesh. More sitting around. puff. Sometime during SNL, we decided to leave. Christina went home with charlie, and jason, bill and i started out for el segundo. while forgetting that we were supposed to drive by andrews truck to see his tinting. oops.
While on the 105 freeway towards Jasons house, jason decides he wants to stop at 7-eleven. uh oh. most cop infested corner of el segundo. go. cop car pulls in after us. we went in, jason got food and a gatorade and bill and i looked at magazines. about 5 asian stoner guys were in there at the same time as us. mission accomplished. nope. get in car, put stick in reverse. crash. newer audi. awesome. asian stoners. both backed out, same time. no good. cops. yup, oh yes, there were cops. they made sure we exchanged info. focus with the usual stench of plants. plants covered by clothing on two persons. from my car alone. two pieces. cops. "are you sure that you both exchanged information?" "yeah, we've got it. we'll be in touch." "alright then, is everyone alright." "yeah, it just sucks y'know? cause i pay for that damn car." "alright then, get on your ways." "yeah, ill be calling you and your insurance tomorrow morning." always have rediculous, terrible, difficult, hard on the brain conversations with cops.
i love el segundo. basically. zip the fuckus is alive and well, a few paint scratches on rear left side of the bumper. woot. audi. yes, audi, has a dent in the bumper, rear left bumper. yup. 50%-50% i guess man. mines less fucked up though. get in car. regain breath. look over at bill. know that he cares. sigh with relief and comfort. damn him. <3 nolans cool. take him home. late dawg.
took bill home :( i guess we'll talk again tomorrow. i hope he doesn't think im a piece of shit because fantastic things like this happen to me. im putty. basically, im his. until hes had enough of me. ::crossing fingers::
im glad silly things like this happen to me. i work for what i have and i pay for everything in my life. of course things like this happen. well... my life is a little more interesting that the average about-to-be-nineteen year old.
back to thinking about bill. ::smile::
life is good. and that isnt sarcasm, im actually happy with things in general. i have an interview at robinsons may on monday. i really like the boy im currently "seeing" or whatever the fuck you want to call it. im satisfied.
well...gotta call triple A tomorrow. woohoo.
i want to see that triplets of bellville movie tomorrow. maybe ill get to take a cuddle buddy. ::smiling::
*-edit-* my heart is happy. ::sigh:: wow. for the way you look at me.