Oct 08, 2002 19:18
i really hate red lobster. well, maybe not really. i have just seen enough ghetto fuckers to last me a really long time. thus, i have compiled a little list of things servers hate. most of you will laugh or roll your eyes, but i don't care (i'm just blowing off steam). if you want to add more go ahead.
1. people who ask me to point them to the cheapest thing on the menu or ask if it is included in the price when i mention salad and baked potato or people who try to order off the children's menu.
2. people who drink their who glass of drink while i am taking their order and then ask for more right away.
3. ghetto lemonade.
4. people who order a dinner and change every item on it. (i also don't care how they did it for you last time)
5. people who bring their children and let them run around the dining room with no concern or supervision.
6. people who make me list salad dressings and then order ranch or thousand island (this is the south, we have ranch).
7. people who leave their onions and tomatoes on the table.(this one maybe petty)
8. people who allow their children to make huge ass messes and leave it. (this includes vomit and dirty diapers which i had to deal with today)
9. people who make a federal case about the biscuts. (they have 12 grams of fat each for christ sake)
10. people on cell phones while trying to order.
11. people who don't read the menu then act like i'm the stupid one.
12. people who complain about their food after they eat it ALL.
13. people who have no home training. :)
14. men who make clever little remarks that i have to smile and laugh at because i want them to tip me. other people who think that they are too cool for me to wait on (i can guarentee they are not)
15. people who don't tip (this is anyone who leaves less then 15%), treat the server like a personal maid, and have no respect for the server.
i am stopping my rant now. i feel better.
otherwise things or fine. my mother is getting more and more of her strength back and is feeling much better. granny is the same (hey, it could be worse)
i am of course going to macon friday. i think it is a little wierd. i am not sure if i want to go back. i decided a while ago that my wesleyanne days were over and i was very glad of it. oh, well. i am sure it will be enjoyable.
spanish sucks. enough said.
my icky roomate has been gone for two days and the house as been so much nicer. yea, yea, yea.
here i will make a sad confession: i am making a halloween costume for my dog. the other dogs have one (because kelley and melissa take the animals more seriously than i do) and i felt bad for oppie. i know that it is sad, but she will be a little lady bug (i made it out of felt for three dollars.)
that is all i can think of for now.