the semantics of a surge

Jan 14, 2007 19:49

Read the news with my cats all day today. So it goes. This is the world, as of now.

The British are removing approximately 3,000 of the 7,000 or so troops they have stationed in Iraq. No other nation, aside from the U.S. has anywhere near that in troop numbers, but Australia is recalling 500 soliders home, and even Italy's one lone regiment may not be abroad for much longer. And where, oh where, does our President stand in this matter? Alone, surely, at least in the eyes of the international community. But America, being as hardcore as we are, is now sending 20,000 and some odd troops abroad...and increasing army and marine units by 92,000 by degrees in the next upcoming years?

training U.S. boys in urban warfare and sending them into raid Iraqi cities in search of insurgents, as well as attempting to systematically de-arm baghdad civilians in the name of "peace". in a conflict where much of the tension is derived from western interference, does the idea of expontentially increasing military force from the most hated western country ring clear as a right-wing idealistic and unattainable mission to anyone?

apparently to Senator Boxer (D-CA, i believe?) who threw down in a political catfight with condoleeza rice the other day, but I haven't heard a sound from anyone other than the political nerds about it. It was mildly entertaining, I must admit, and involved a snappy exchange over the publication date written on the bottom of a very large, very blue cue card with words of wisdom from President Dub-ya, which was repeatedLY held up by some poor Aid for observation.

oh, and just for fun, checking up on the cloak and dagger Vice P. Cheney...well he thinks that Iraq is troubled waters, especially for the Iranians who happen to be "fishing" there. What would the world be without redneck metaphors?

Well, if they be fishing in my pond...let's...uh..yeah bomb them too.

It's a good thing that no one in Washington is entirely sure if military raids into Iran on the basis of "quelling insurgent activities" (as if something in the middle east could be more vauge right now) is within the President's power without congressional approval. Hopefully there won't be an important football game before too many people die, or they'll never get around to decieding in time.

but its always a comforting thing to have lots of statistics and numbers flying around between political parties on the news.

capitalist americans like numbers. they remind us of money.

the bigger the number, the more exciting the topic - good or bad.

though i have to say, senator boxer does raise a mild point, that the only number not openly estimated is that of the expected number of american casualties.

Of even less importance, at least to congress, is the expected number of Arab civilian casualties....but apparently that is not noteworthy enough to report as of today...but I expect it'll be a pretty big exciting number once all is said and done.
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