yup. that's what today is for me...
cuz I needs it. :) woke up at 3 in the am and couldn't sleep so about 5 am before the sun came up, I took a walk around the big pond...the wooded one. (cuz there's like 3 of em round these parts. I ♥ Arbor Lakes!) wow. this is the FIRST time I've been back there since the Ryans left. yup. been avoiding it for reasons you prolly know of. ;) I got to do my devotions with the sunrise and a black cherry smirnoff in one hand...listened to Skillet's latest cd - Comatose. mmmmmh... My devos are on REST *heh imagine that* God knows me...knows just what I need. A good definition of true rest from my devos: cease from that which is necessary...embrace that which gives life. Some good verses I found in Prov 3.
vs. 26 The Lord is your security.
vs. 5-6 Trust the LORD with all your ♥ do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
vs. 27-28 Do not withold good from those who deserve it when it's in your power to help them. If you can help your neighbor now, don't say "Come back tomorrow, and then I"ll help you."
vs. 7 Don't be impressed with your own wisdom. (yes...sometimes I am like this...*hangs head*)
vs. 3 Never let LOYALTY and KINDNESS leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your ♥!!
It's soooo gorgeous back there. everything is overgrown now. Grass up to my knees - up to my waist in some places. Wildflowers...wild alfalfa...I think there's even some wild strawberry vines...all the trees have leaves. (unlike the ugly naked lil twigs they've been for...a very long time) and there's viney things growing everywhere. like a jungle. it reminds me of that Brad Paisley song...Ticks...hehehe. I hate and love that song all in one breath. it's amazing. I wanna snag some ppl sometime and go exploring back there...did I tell you? It's GORGEOUS! it was misty foggy over the surface of the pond. On my way back it started raining. Not like a downpour...just a sprinkling. mmmmh. rain. I checked out momma goose's nest. Kurtz and I chilled out there one night before she laid her eggs...a long long time ago. got hissed at...made some memories. ya know. the usual. :) there was a smashed budweiser can there...there was a whole slew of the same bud cans in another certain place of ours down where the deer path meets the water...makes me wonder. even tho I don't want to. I still do. I wasn't exactly nice to him before he left. he was txting and calling me late one Monday night...bout 2 wks before they were gonna leave...late late at night...asking me things like what am I doing. and I rmbr thinking what possible good could come out of us talking to ea. other THIS late at night. and I really really didn't want to talk to him. ever again. kinda snapped on him. txted it too cuz I'm that much of a pansy when I'm mad. I can't even scream at him face to face. *sigh* prolly cuz I know I'd quit and somehow we'd end up kissing hugging it out. lol and if those cans back there actually are his they prolly had NOTHING to do with me either. cuz I doubt those experiences meant much to him...like they did me. that kid just gets himself into all kindsa trouble and then is left with nothing but regret... I figure...pushing him away...gave him one less thing to regret, right? and then I wonder why I care...
Right now I'm listening to a playlist I'm making for Ritchie - heeeee! gonna send him some cds with music that'll make him smile. aww. Mr. Blue!!! :) he sent me a pic of him smiling a couple days ago. lol. he's growing a beard. he looks like santy clause!
awww! Linsy just called me. :) then she got to talking about starbucks...so I had to go eat some of my java chip ice cream...then...in true sheri fashion...almost put it in the fridge instead of the freezer. gosh. so I'm thinking about shrimp stirfry for lunch. w/ basmati rice. I'm amazed. when I was still living at my parents house and I would get these urges to experiment with my cooking ...yeah...it always turned out bad and I'd have to throw it out. But since I've lived here...I've tried a lot of strange stuff...and it turns out AMAZING!!! I don't think I've had to throw out anything. must be this apartment...it's got good cooking vibes or something. :) like last night I made scrambled eggs with bacon, monterey jack cheese and BASIL! hahah...it tasted like sausage...so THAT'S what they season sausage with! :) oh. and came home last night to a VERY clean apartment. I'm so proud of Felicity. she's such a good friend. :) we had an interesting chat last night about religion...and being whole...and how ppl who have religion...aren't necessarily whole ppl...and how God is the only one who can make you whole...not what you do. or that you follow the rules. cuz some of the most damaged people with the most regrets in life...are also some of the most whole-some because they let God heal them, unlike those who have it all together and in the process place God and ppl in boxes so they don't have to deal with life. and all it's messiness. ya know? they quarantine everything bad...including valuable human souls...just so they can have that whole white-picket perfect (frankly POC) life? WHATEVER! that's not a whole life at all. sry to burst your bubble. yeah...I enjoy that soap box. :) I bask in it. hehehe!
So I'm hoping to drop in at the Crossing...hopefully miss Esther will be there for a chat...I didn't make it to church on Sunday (yes I was that worn out EXHAUSTED cuz I've been pushing myself to be with ppl too much lately) and I heard it was an amazing service so I'm gonna watch it online. something about "raging insecurity." heh. yeah...I'm prolly gonna cry. better bring my tissues. Then I hope to pick up my movie, Deja Vu and watch it! :)))) FELICITY FOUND THE REMOTE FOR THE DVD PLAYER -> SCORE!!!! haha. I've been going nuts without it. can you tell? cuz the only buttons on the player itself are the play/pause button and stop button...and open button. this minimalist contemporary design stuff is CRAP! yeah it looks sexy & sleek but it's not functional. at all. surely they could have fit a "next" and "back" button in there so when I lose my remote and wanna stop my movie then go back to watch the rest of it at a later date...I could ACTUALLY DO IT! without having to watch the beginning all over again. or like if I need to fast forward thru a raunchy sex scene...I could actually do that instead of covering my eyes with my fingers...cuz you know how that goes. ;) haha. come now. we've all done it. I've gotta drop off some stuff at my old neighbor's house from a scavenger hunt I went on at a Coworker's b-day partay. and...since I'm off work for the first tuesday in a while I'm going to check out my neighbor Jana's sm. group tonite. :) so I guess it's not gonna be entirely a "me day" but close enough. tomorrow can be me day part deux. since I'm off work AGAIN and all. :) but guess what guys...I get to see Riverdance. in Toledo, OH. w/ my auntie Leah. yeah. I'm excited.
John Waller is my homeboy!!
this song is amazing...must share lyrics w/ you.
(guest appearance by Mark Miller of Sawyer Brown)
Luke 6:48
John Waller and Scott Johnson
"The famous poet, Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote, “Earth’s crammed with heaven; And every common bush afire with God; But only he who sees takes off his shoes; The rest sit around it and pluck blackberries.” My prayer is that God would open our eyes to see and ears to hear so that we will realize that Heaven is co-existing with us right here and now. This song was written while we were in the studio tracking the album. The producer, Mark Miller, liked it so much he said, “Let’s cut it.” Mark also sings backup on this song and he sounds pretty good singing background for a country singer who can’t hear a lick of harmony!"
This earth is crammed with Heaven
And every common bush
Is blazing with the fire of God
But only he who sees
Removes unworthy shoes
To realize holy ground
And I’m standing on the Rock of Ages
I’m basking in miracles
I stand on sacred pages
And this changes everything
Everything I am
This changes everything I am
I tremble when I wonder
How many times You call my name
But only he who hears will turn to You
And I’m driven by a vision
Of countless men who long for God
But only he who dies will live in You
Singing Rock of Ages cleft for me
Let me hide myself in Thee
On Christ the Solid Rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
It changes everything I am
On this Rock where I stand
On this Rock I stand
listen to his music here: