Mar 15, 2006 02:50
Hey guys what’s up. So I guess semi a lot has gone one. Starters I got rid of my long nails! Its so much easier/different to do things now typing is easier but tricky I am used to the length on my nails to reach keys because I have short fingers. So anyways, I got the sidekick one and well my sister got the sidekick II and then I decided to get the sidekick II. After that I went nuts on ebay and spent probably close to 1200.00. yikes. But I will be putting up the sidekicks. I like the sidekick but I hate it at the same time it’s humongous as a cell phone I hate talking on it. So since the last time I finally got a retail job I hated it the second day but I think I will like it I think I hated it because I was smartly wearing high heels and 2 hours later my blood sugar was declining major. Fyi if you did not know. High heels can cause the blood to not circulate to your feet. Having no sugar in your system to begin with, and not circulating your blood, makes you turn white/light headed and can cause you to pass out if it is the time of your month. I have learned these things many many years ago. Ha because one of the girls I work with who I think is adorable went to high school with me and the only way she remembered me was because I was the girl that wore stiletto heels like everyday. Lol needless to say I cant do that any more. So retail. Is a lot of work because we have such a high inventory status. SO MUCH STUFF! So Sundays at my other job I love. Why? Well the new Saprono’s season on HBO just started and we are doing this thing where we show the saprono’s in the bar area and have a club in the back lounge area. Wicked fun I like to get paid to watch TV the Saprono’s on over 8 big flat screens! Nice! I have checked out some camgirl sites lately and I can’t say I am impressed with this one I had high expectations for.
So yeah I am shopping at least once a week twice last week tho. Blake is back. Things have been bumpy I don’t know the future for us. I have no idea. I have just been really frustrated with him. It’s like I care about him but he has this habit of starting things with me and I get really mad. He mad me cry the other day. And he isn’t an asshole at all, he just gets me very mad sometimes. I just have no idea what to do right now he wants me to just open my heart back to him and that I cannot simply do. I cannot even tell my parents “I love you” easily, how am I supposed to fall in love again with the snap of a hand?
Gosh, I want to be famous, on the red carpet wicked bad. I am so in love with celebridom whatever a word for that would really be. BTW I recently heard a fantatic hip hop show, on some late night show. And I loved he song so I googled and looked up who was on the show and it was a group or so I thought it was called “FORT MINOR” So I did some research and it’s Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park. Holy crap he is good shit I love it. This sone called KENJI is amazing. I honestly think I learned a little more about that whole anti Japanese in California thing back in the day. It did speak to me. I’d like to fix up my site and put my self out there. I would like to network, and see what I can do out there.
Ohhhh! So I think I am going to cut off my hair into a short bob. It’ll be easy to maintain and the color should be easier to maintain too. So many people have wanted to play with my hair. I might have Blake cut it. I’m ready to let go of my damaged crappy hair right now when I look at older pictures im like omg beautiful hair. Oy… aight later!