Mar 14, 2006 13:47
Spring Break rocks my socks, even if it's spent at home not doing much at all.
Today I've been cleaning my room, and decided it was time to throw away a couple of things that I thought once made me happy, but I just realized that it didn't ever make me happy. I let myself believe it did. SO, I've parted with those, and have started a new chapter. And as for the rest of the junk that is laying about the room... well, I'll have to find somewhere for it all other than the floor.
Tonight, I'm pretty sure I'm going out with some people. Probably bowling, just because that's what we do. Hopefully it gets warm out soon, because then there are so many more things to do.
Tomorrow the task of the day is to.... CLEAN THE CAR! eww. Lord only knows what is growing in my backseat. I think I might start that today. It'll take a while. It's probably worse than my room. Which was saying something.
This week, I will...
pay my speeding ticket and sign up for traffic school... (shit)
finish my room
clean the bathroom for my dad...
buy new sandals..
finish my online spanish homework (that is bringing my grade down because i never do it)
decide on a play that I want to see for my humanities paper....
download bhangra...
organize my pictures for the scrapbook i'm going to start
........ i doubt i'll do half of these things, BUT at least when i write them down, i have an idea of what i want to accomplish.