Mar 17, 2009 13:00
So I have had, without a doubt, the best spring break of my life. No joke.
I worked my butt off the first half. That part was kinda eh, but I also pretty much had the house to myself. So I worked and then I did nothing. No homework, minimal cleaning and organizing, lots of tv, junk food, and random cooking - hooray for new recipes lol
I didn't get to go home at all the first half of break like I wanted to but I'm hoping to make a trip to Inverness sometime super soon...especially since Kimmy is coming to visit and that should be a good time! =)
Now do you want to know the REAL reason that my spring break was so epic? I went on the most fantastic cruise ever with some of my favorite people. Me, Cristina, Jason, Danny, Daniel, Paul and Michelle all went on a cruise to Cozumel, Mexico and the entire experience was great. So great, in fact, that I'm going to bubble on and on about it for the next few paragraphs - aka mini novel - so consider yourself warned :P
Everything from packing for the trip, to bouncing around in the car on the way to port, was fun. We all just had a good time from the get go. I didn't even make a list prior to packing - and we all know that I am the queen of making lists about my lists. The night before we set sail and I did all the hw I needed to get done, packed and took care of all the loose odds and ends that I needed to complete over the course of spring break...basically I stayed up till 4 in the morning doing all of this. Paul was over playing guitar hero in the next room so that made it VERY hard for me to concentrate lol. Plus Zack kept me company and made fun of my packing till like 2 am. haha...but overall it was a good evening.
Then I just laid on my bed and attempted to sleep but was way to excited. After my last horrendous cruise, I really had high expectations for this one. First off, this was my first non family cruise with 21 year olds...aka lots of bar time and drinking. I'm not an alcoholic or a crazy drinker but I do appreciate being able to have a cocktail or a frozen drink by the pool with the people around me. Plus I would be with all college kids which is sure to be a totally different experience than if you were with your parents on a vacation, as all my previous ones have been...
Anywho, the we all had a blast. The first day we left my Orlando around 10, drove to Jason's parents house in Tampa, and then they drove us to port. We got on the ship around 2 and explored, checked out our rooms, got some lunch, waiting for the lifeboat drill, unpacked, and watched the ship set sail. And took about 100 pictures....literally. I only took 45 or so but Cristina got like 300 and I know Danny and Michelle took a bunch too. After that we sat out for a bit and watched the sunset, then got ready for dinner.We were the late seating so dinner didn't happen until about 8:30 every night. But that just left us time to get a second lunch in between ;)
And then we experienced Sirus and Eva our waiters....Hilarious. I honestly cannot describe Sirus without the accent. Let me just say that he was able to make a bread basket the most entertaining thing ever. And thank god Eva didnt mind brining us ALOT of food because we all ordered 3 appetizers and 2 entrees a lie. We made sure to get our money's worth, let me put it that way. After dinner we pretty much all passed out, but overall it was a good time =)
The second day, Friday, was our first full day on the boat. We spent the whole day sailing. The water was this beautiful blue and the sun was shining and it was basically amazing. We got cocktails and laid out all day long...I got a killer tan =) So, so so nice. Shuffleboard happened here and there, and the hot tub was aMAZing. For reals. The day was our formal night so we all started getting ready pretty early. We got all dressed up and had formal pictures taken, then went to the captains cocktail party where I drank five glasses of champagne....yes I know. lol Then we had the best dinner ever...I basically am in love with steak and escargo haha. And on top of that champagne I had a glass or two of wine. This all resulted in a very drunk and sleepy Lisa - who totally passed out, still holding her wine glass, at the broadway show we had. Slept REALLY good that night =)
Ok this was part one, part two will have to come after classes =P