Nov 17, 2011 03:10
Alright, couple things.
Jean's on our team. If you don't know her, she's a friend of mine, she plays Psychics, and she's on the team. Period, the end.
You might be about to point out that this brings us up to five people. Great fucking counting there, ace, because it's paramount to how we're running this show from now on. We got fucking clowned last time, mostly because I screwed up like a total yutz, but on a lesser note because we had a bad match-up. I don't wanna play the guessing game and lose like that again, so we're gonna be rolling on a match-up basis now. If we have a bad match-up, that duelist just won't play. No chance of us getting second-guessed.
So, introduce yourselves to each other while you discuss what an amazing idea that is and what a great leader I am.