Weekend adventures

Feb 17, 2009 06:37

We had another one of our crazy East coast jaunts this past weekend.  Whenever we go, I try to set certain achievable goals for the short amount of time we have.  This way, I feel like we accomplished something and I don't feel as bad when I don't get to stuff that I may have wanted to do, but not on this trip.  We had two major goals for this trip: see my sister's twins and take Tim's parents out for their anniversary.  We achieved both our goals, so this weekend was deemed a success.

My sister's kids are pretty dang small.  It's hard to imagine that they will grow into full grown peoples.  She has twin boys, Dylan and Harris.  Dylan is the active one, always on the move.  Harris is the quiet one who spent the entire time sleeping when we were there.  My sister is very tired.  I don't know how that Octo-mom is dealing with her 14, when my sister looks completely spent by just two.  Pictures will come eventually, I promise.

From my sister's house, we headed to the Eastern shore to visit with the "in-laws" on their anniversary.  We took them out to dinner at a cool place that had the best coconut muffins.  I will definitely have to try to figure out that recipe.  Love them!

We headed back up to Philly the next day so that I could get my gambling fix on at Atlantic City.  It's sort of a tradition between my dad and I. We go gambling on Sunday night when I come to visit with the goal being to win back the price of my plane ticket, $300-$400.  We were successful and I got my much need practice for this upcoming weekend when we will be in Las Vegas! Yay!

My plane ticket money usually gets recycled into yet another plane ticket to the East coast because everyone always asks us when we will be back.  There's always more people to see and things to do, but the problem is that as much as I love to visit people and go home, I also like to go NEW places.  My latest and greatest plan is to try to combine visiting new places with visiting friends, an example of which would be a potential trip to Paso Robles, in which friends could join us.  I get to see a new place AND visit with friends. ;)  Best of both worlds.

I am looking forward to our next adventure, where ever it will be....wait I know... it's VEGAS! :)
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