
Jan 28, 2011 14:33

Hello Teeny Tiny Little Flist oh Mine.

I need help. I have roommate issues. So my roomate got a dog. A dog I really wasn't happy with. I informed her of my complete lack of happiness about the dog- and even if she misunderstood the conversation the hour long crying jag I had in our living room may have been a clue.

Fast forward a month later. I get a call, AT MY WORK, from my landlady that said roommate has not paid the pet deposit and has not presented the dog and the dog's papers to be reviewed for lease compliance. In desperation she asks me, can you tell said roommate to call me and oh, by the way, can you tell me anything about the dog?

So I tell her.

The breed. The dog's training problems. My theories on the dog's age (we're not allowed to have puppies but I think this dog's problem is the exact opposite, it's too old, no healthy dog has a coat like that). How she never walks with it. How it seems to me she doesn't really take care of it.

I do NOT tell about.

My roommate always being late with her part of the rent. Her not paying the electric bill for so long(and not telling me) they threatened to shut our electricity off, the week of Christmas. Her almost never buying groceries. The cat she's had, for six months, which is NOT in lease compliance, but which she swears she find a home for anytime now, that she's just cat sitting. The fact that the ENTIRE floor where her room is reeks most of the time. How she never cooks. Or cleans. Or does anything.

Or how, I'm pretty sure, if I threw her out she'd end up on the street.

And now she won't talk to me about anything, including the GINORMOUS electric bill. My other roomate doesn't want to throw her out but she threatened to hit me today if I come anywhere near her. And if the dog is still her tomorrow we loose the house.

I really like my house.

I used to consider this girl a friend, I still do.

I need to get the bills paid.

What do I do?


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