Nov 26, 2006 17:02
The Prestige was excellent. Visually stunning, extraordinarily well cast (Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Michael Caine, David Bowie). A lovely many-layered feast of darkness and misdirection. And even though I worked out the prestige fairly early on, it didn’t spoil my enjoyment of the film. It had some flaws, but they were fairly minor. Though one could only pray for some stronger female characters who didn’t need to be killed off one way or another to increase the leads' angst. Still I recommend it to one and all. But be warned, there were sadly no shirtless men ::pout::
And Die In Thee
Since my little movie spree I’ve chained myself to the trusty Apple laptop, and cranked up the mood music (setting every deeply mournful and lyrical CD I could find on repeat) to do the next few dream/angst scenes. So far, it looks like the music therapy is working its magic, and some (hopefully) good stuff is pouring out, and a few other scenes have been moved around for greater effect. Though I am still waiting for a kind soul to take pity on me and explain exactly what is involved with each base from a teenage viewpoint (and no I'm not talking baseball).
I’ve just set up a few water bottles and a thermos of coffee next to the desk so I can keep on through the afternoon and into the night. Got to get as much as possible done before the dreaded work week hits like a demon on acid.
“But the clearest memory of all would always be the sound of his brother crying.”