Research, smeesearch

May 11, 2008 08:55

urk. Nun fic very close to completion (if I were at all religious I'd send up thanks, although maybe I should instead give thanks to the gods of coffee and citrus tarts? ::nods thoughtfully:: Yes, they helped a lot).

Just sprinting online to do 30 second catch up on comments (PROMISE PROMISE PROMISE I will get out of my LJ and into everyone else's to check on your lives tonight), and research one pesky fact I forgot to consider. Motorcycle helmets. Or more importantly the visors. Know helmets have been around in one form or other since the late 1800s. Visors is what I need to check on. Character riding around on father's old Gecko in 1967, have her flipping up visor. Now need to check if:
a) had visors on helmets then
b) they were flipupable (heh I invented a word)

Screams off to do speedy keyword searching because I have 30 minutes to do that and get ready to take my mother to the movies and lunch as the last part of her Mother's Day extravaganza.

BTW present that put all others in the shade? 2 silicone moulds for poaching eggs in ::snickers:: you will not believe what a hit they were. Especially after we did a trial run at breakfast and those little suckers actually worked. Amazing! No mess, no waste, no hours scraping egg off bottom of pan with tons of steel wool. Moulds actually worth the $20 they cost me at trendy gift shop.

If I'd known that my mother was going to fall instantly in love with a kitchen gadget (which has never happened before), I could have saved myself a lot of money on all the other presents. Hee.

::sniffs mother's flowers and decides to consider them partially hers::

Later, people.

Tonight I will have UPDATES!!!!!!! (ooh and a movie review - consider this your Sunday bonus)

real life and all that jazz

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