This is all
pinkphoenix1985's fault, or there is something in the air.
The rules in this game of tag are simple -- once you have been tagged, you must write a blog with ten weird, random things, little known facts or habits about yourself. At the end choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. I'm with PP I'm not going to shoot you with a paint gun, join in if you feel like it.
Some randomness from the strangeness that is my life:
1. I have an adventurous mind (the body lags behind) and I’m always wishing I lived this wildly exciting Lara Croft life. So, every now and then I stupidly do something to challenge myself (went down a mine, and rappelled down a cliff face in the last few months), and often live to regret that brave decision. See me screaming ‘HELP!’
2. I don’t look like Liv Tyler (okay, maybe I have her eyebrows), and I never will even if I diet forever. Won’t stop me wishing or hoping or trying though.
3. I love passionfruit as much as I adore citrus tarts of any description.
4. In high school I sailed around New Zealand (it was cool, scary, amazing experience, and yeah, I threw up when the waves were bad - now the waves don’t even need to be that high to make me feel like I should have stayed on dry land.)
5. Amongst many other things, I’ve studied 5 languages (and I’m only really good at English, damn it.)
6. Long time back I used to sing on stage (in public - eek!), and wrote my own lyrics. The world is now grateful for the fact that I only sing in the shower now. But I still write lyrics, but now for much younger people to sing in a band.
7. I’m a Kiwi, but I currently live in Australia (much too far away from new SPN episodes!)
8. I’ve driven the odd ambulance in my time (and no, not in WWII)
9. Part of my fairly wide and weird job description involves writing web pages for a university. Despite that I still have a cheat sheet I use when I post in LJ for pesky LJ cuts and links etc.
10. The only thing I’ve ever really wanted to do was write, hence the fanfic (it’s great practice, and a hell of a lot of fun) on the side while I write the next big thing. Yeah and I’m probably suffering delusions, but what the hell? It’s my mind!
Um how’s that? My goodness, I actually told the truth here. PP, you’re good at sucking me in, aren’t you? Have you ever considered becoming an interrogator? I could get you your own lamp and everything …