I am an idiot

Feb 01, 2007 02:27

Never never never post at 2am in the morning - with or without coffee. Especially don't post to a community where you can't delete the freakin' post when you find out Word has auto-replaced your double quotes with single quotes (fine for grammar, just not for link coding). Grrr.

Sent grovelling, hideously embarrassed 2nd post and shall now crash and try and pretend that none of it ever happened. Who me?

::sigh:: In my head it all went quite differently

Daytime - balloons, streamers, lots of mini quiche for Dean, friends in glamorous outfits, the glare of the paparazzi, champagne, chocolate, citrus tart, and coffee with Dean (OK Sammy too).

Now I have to lay me down to sleep. Work in very few hours. Tomorrow - I mean, today will not be pretty.

If anyone finds this seer's brain lying around in the LJ verse, please send it on home...
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