Sep 20, 2009 21:28
Bless us!
Today is the autumnal equinox/Mabon/the start of fall. Blessings of the season!
Today, I was the sole coordinator for Connect DC's ritual. My co-coordinator was ill. We had 11 people appear at Rose Park (just inside Georgetown, at the M Street bridge).
Connect DC's motto is stop, drop, and do ritual. Which is exactly what we did. Since my co-coord was to do the meditation, and she couldn't find her notes, I winged it. I must have been full of the spirit, for it was a great ritual and meditation. Just what all of us needed.
I spoke of Hades as the keeper of the storehouses and Demeter holding the cornucopia of abundance. That the Mystery of Blessings are they are known and unknown, seen and unseen. And we must accept our abundance, use it, and enjoy. But, we must put some away for the future/dark times/winter, also.
I spoke of my gratitude of speaking with my Matron, the Hekatae, this year, of new friends, of being with Connect DC, and just being. Others were moved to speak of their gratitude.
It was a great simple ritual!
Afterwards, we shared a great time having lunch, and enjoying our company. It was fabulous! Just fabulous!
Heading towards home, we ended up near the Georgetown Flea Market. Some lovely things. I saw a wonderful monastic bell, for $40, that I so want! I did end up with a warding against the evil eye glass key chain fob. Can't hurt!
I wandered home, to the place I'm cat sitting. Had a light supper. Hung out with cats. K is home now, so I'll be heading home tomorrow eventually. I've had a great time here, but I'm ready to be at my home for a while.
This next upcoming week includes two medical appointments, a spiritual evening, and a handfasting to attend. I better rest fast! *smile*
Wonderful blessings of the season upon each of us!