Bless us.
I had a bad dream last night. I woke up heart pounding, fear sweat covered, and sick. I was awake for over 3 hours before I could go back to sleep. *yikes* I'm still shaky and upset.
Today is normal stuff: I must clean the bathroom, dust and vacuum, and neaten. And we need kitty litter NOW! Hopefully, one of the M's will be here to help. Tomorrow, washing my bed sheets and resting because...
I'm hosting
goddess_of_art Saturday, overnight. She is teaching a class at
Magick School on Sunday. The Goddess is coming to visit me!
I am looking forward to the weekend!
Another benefit- I'm stepping down the steroids today. I made it through the first week. It's been a lot of work monitoring and coping with the 'roids and the side effects. I hope I can relax a little now.
I received the book about living with autoimmune disease yesterday. I snarfed it into my brain. I'm going back to reading the parts I marked. Tho, I've picked up some things already.
Even before the MCTD diagnosis, when I was working on wellness from the diabetes diagnosis, I did two things which seemed to have jump-started me to wellness, then. The first was the dumping of (mostly processed) white starches [pasta, white wheat (as much as possible), potatoes, etc.]. I'm lax about this now. The second was my oatmeal as religion diet. I quit this, out of boredom, and had to go on a statin.
The book makes strong arguments for non-gluten whole grains. Which, if you look at the above, works for me. I've proved it to myself.
Secondly, the book promotes less processed food, as in least processed before I get my hands on it, and then less processing from me. And, let's face it, the food tastes better when I prepare it. I have two things working against me here: 1) I live in a city where 'pop in a microwave' food is what you can hunt and gather easily; and, 2) I tire easily. So, a plan! I need a plan!!!
The book makes me realize I need to stop a lot of what I'm doing, observe what has/is happened/ing and start working on multi-plans for me and my wellness/well-being. Food, spirituality, wellness, symptom management, stress management, sustainability, fun, learning, etc., so on, and furthermore! I learned my lesson from the 'manage my diabetes out of my purview' fiasco. I'm ready to normatize the autoimmune/MCTD and move on in living.
And won't I/we all be glad to get past my going on about it, and just go on about it.
I'm still waiting for the caffe press maker. I can't wait!
Off to my day.
Blessings for all!