Mystery meme from goddess_of_art

Sep 09, 2008 09:37

To get the questions, you have to promise to do the meme yourselves! Then you have to withhold the q's when you post... I don't make the rules...but I've chosen to follow them for fun!

I'm gonna limit myself to LJ...

1. I'm not sure I know anyone with a lot.
2. kabeach, followed by so_zanie, evils_thoughts. In DC, webqatch.
3. pkmorrison.
4. bittercat.
5. Moi.
6. ymasen.
7. homewitch.
8. myly_blue_roses.
9. so_zanie, and ninthraven.
10. bridgit.
11. potpourrifae.
12. fuzzface00.
13. katrinas_joy, and seaivy.
14. potpourrifae/evils_thoughts
15. Um... no one. They can choose for themselves.
16. ninthraven.
17. potpourrifae.
18. sita_radha.
19. zagone.
20. myly_blue_roses.
21. katrinas_joy.
22. Moi.
23. katrinas_joy.
24. teasane and not_the_pope [they've threatened it enough].
25. Like I have a clue.
26. See 25 above...
27. michaelsylvan.
28. shamantigre.
29. Not sharing.
30. Love, prayers, and blessings!

So... There!


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