Thoughts slowed. Feelings dropping.

May 11, 2005 17:14

My thoughts have slowed. My emotions are dropping. I feel like I want to climb under the bed and have a good cry.


Maybe it's the atmosphere in DC right now. Fear followed by an ordinary explanation of the events. At least, it is the background, the support, the environment, to what I'm feeling.

Maybe it was the discussions, at magick school, about inner boundaries, and entering my work. Those are sinking in.

Maybe it's the disappointment in people around me. My teacher in magick school said humans will and do disappoint me.

Maybe it's the emails, the heart circle from Monday, goddess_of_art leaving after her visit, the changes in some of my relationships (and the non-acceptance at some visceral place?). Ye God/dess/s! A plethora of explanations! And all of them and more are right.

I'm disappointed. I'm alone. I'm frustrated. I'm not being kept in loops that affect me and am part of. I'm not being told most things. I'm fearful. I may be hurt or hurting. I'm discomfited. I'm many feelings.

I know this will pass. But, it is here in the now. And I am aware of the present.

Blessings to all of you.

May I have a blessing for me?


spiritual, depress

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