Nov 16, 2008 20:42
It's been a week and 3 days since I've made the move from the "great" midwest to glorious mecca, and I must say,
The city itself is beautiful. All of the architecture, lanscape, the different typed of flora that I'm CERTAINLY not used to seeing *cough* palm trees *cough*, and the weather have really made me come to enjoy the visuals that the city has to offer. Not to mention the guys... they're... well, they're gorgeous. And it seems anyone who CAN grow facial hair, DOES! Even the women! But mostly the gayboys, and I love that. You can't walk down the street without getting cruised at least once.
I've found a place to lay my head down for a while as I get myself situated, and have even had a phone interview for a job. I'm expecting that I'll get a few more calls this week... at least I'm hoping. If I don't hear from them by tuesday, I'll send out a few emails.
I've been welcomed to SF by many people with open arms, and have even had the chance to attend a No on 8 Rally, where my opinion has been altered from what it was before, and I got to see many touching, powerful speakers, and got to bark with the crowd. I've also gotten to see a lot of the places where the rights of me, my friends, my family have been defended since the 70s, and that's been very touching.
More to come soon!