Jan 30, 2015 00:18
Today was not so bad. I bought for my family dinner..had dinner together at the same table exclude my father. Completed most of the things on my to do list or at least my imaginary list in my head cuz I am too lazy to note it down. Today I made a mental note to myself that I am gonna start saving, As easy as that might sound to other people, I have difficulties in saving money. Although I work almost every weekend since the start of college, I didn't have any savings.
Whenever I have money, I am itching to spend it. This habit got worst when I am down or in a sad mood. I find comfort in buying new clothes, shoes etc..things that I know I don't need according to my mother cuz my wardrobe is about to explode anytime.
Anyway I am going to Perth in March with school and I need that savings for my expenses there, hopefully I can start saving soon and get rid of my habit. Tomorrow is another day at school, well at least it's Friday. #TGIF! Nothing much planned tomorrow but I am looking forward to meeting my girls after school. Something to look forward to:) I feel happier when I can express my thoughts here even if it's only for myself to read.
Stay positive everyone. Make everyday counts :)