a new life

May 13, 2009 02:27

last night, my manfriend and i were sitting on the couch talking about animals while watching planet earth. we started talking about what kinds of pets we've owned. apparently, he's a huge fan of dikdiks and guinea pigs.  while i am very familiar with dikdiks and how troublesome they can be as pets, i never thought about guinea pigs.  we immediately started watching videos of guinea pigs on youtube.

2 hours later, i'm in love! i know it sounds weird but, i mean i LOVE guinea pigs! honestly, my heart almost comes out of my chest when i think of their little feet and stumpy faces.  their shrill screams fill my ears with the sound of a magical harp...made by jesus.  they are like rainbows...beautiful, multi-colored, hairy rainbows.  i just want to squeeze them...squeeze them until their little sugary brains squirt out.  in fact, i wish i had a mattress made of guinea pigs.  *sigh*

anyway, i guess we're going to start a guinea pig farm. it sounds like a pretty good idea and we can make some really good money. we'll have the business plan finished tomorrow!

so much for college! this has to be the best idea ever!

see ya!

guinea pigs

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