Apr 01, 2005 12:15
I go home today...YAY!
I drank a vanilla frapacino(sp?) from starbucks today...anyone wanna run around the block about 100 times with me??? I remember why I don't drink coffee now.
ugh, its getting hot. ITs always so much hotter in fresno than modesto...
I got some gEE-TAR(gutiar) tabs today. I wanna start playing again.
I'd pick up the bass again, but
1)its at Cameron's dad's house in storage and
2)I don't think our neighbors would appriciate the "noise".
Sami & I warrrrshed my car last night...Diabla looks oh so purdy! I need to get 'er waxed.
jessica turned in her application to move into our apts today. I can't wait. Finally someone to hang out with that doesn't get on my nerves.
wtf? I just went to click on "update journal" and it moved so I couldn't click?!