Oct 18, 2006 12:35

Ok, ok. So as you may know, a hundred years ago Sarah and I went on vacation... actually it was the begining of September but, chu know. Also pics from drag and pumpkin picking. good times are had in october.

We drove Sarah's mom down to the Lexington airport and then cut through Kentucky into West Virginia. We had a big cooler and a bin of food so we had a lot of picnics. We stopped at this rest stop where, according to Sarah, the picnic tables had no logic or style to their arrangement. She angrily went on about this for a good 10-15 minutes while I ate my sandwich.

At first I didn't see what the big deal was. Sure, there was a lack of shade, sure the tables were a little random. She was stuck on this one table, that was a little further away but I didn't think it was that far. Then I looked over, way over, and realized what she was talking about. There was a table so far away I hadn't even thought to look that far to see it. WTF WV?

Both being huge Gone With The Wind fans, we were going to go to Charleston to see o'l Rhett but when we got there, well, lets just say we got off the ramp and got right back on. The whole city is about the size of the train yards here in Cincinnati, and looks a lot like them too. And just think, this is the capital of the state. The only thing of interest was a street with the most amazing name I have ever heard.

I laughed about it the whole trip.

On family trips my dad would always clean the windsheild at every stop. My mom would subsequently yell at my dad for cleaning the windsheild at every stop. So when we stopped for gas and cleaned the windsheild, just like my o'l man.

I drove on the highway.

There were scary trucks.

Here's my pretty passenger.

We went to see Monticello. We were the only people there between the ages of 8 and 55.

I took a lot of flower pics as did Sarah.

Sarah in the tunnels where the slaves worked.

It was pretty fascinating to be there. I've been to almost all the states and seen a lot of history stuff, but my family hasn't every really explored the south. The Jefferson Foundation had some shit statement about Jefferson having kids with his slave. Said even though there is DNA evidence, it was "probable" he did. They wouldn't just acknowledge it. All that aside, it was beautiful scenery.

We made a stop in Richmond and took some pics and then headed to Virginia Beach. We stayed there for 4 days. It was a pretty tacky, touristy place but it was still a good time. They had some amazing banks.

Despite being at the beach, we spent a lot of time in bed. But, we still wore our shades. We were at the beach after all.

The beach:

I made sand sculptues.

There are mass naval bases around there so there were Jets all over the place. I used to be really into aviation, even wanted to be a jet fighter, so I was excited. On our way there we saw migs doing flips and cork-screws, it blew me away. We even saw a Stealth, it was amazing. We were walking down the street and 3 blue angel jets did a fly by so low we thought they'd crash. I was like a little kid staring in wonder.

I made Sarah go to a nature perserve, we actually went to the wrong one and ended up in North Carolina. It was beautiful though, we went on a nice walk. Here's me "geeking it out" as Sarah says with my bird book and binos.

Sarah was proud of herself for being out doors. "Look, Ma, nature!"

We didn't see too many birds; a great egret, a blue heron, a virginia rail, geese, vultures, blackbirds.
We also saw some snakes. I saw a huge black one in the water and called out.

"Look! Sarah, look at that huge black snake!"
Now, Sarah did not want to see the snake, but then she screamed really loudly in a panic. "OH MY GOD! THERE'S ONE RIGHT BY YOUR FOOT!!!"

Now, needless to say I was more than a tad bit concerned, seeing that Cottonmouths lived there which are poisonous vipers.

"WHAT?" I shouted "WHERE?! I looked down and around panicked and finally saw a huge snake that was, sure enough, right by my foot. I had a ridiculous shout/gasping noise and jumped back as far and as fast as I could. Then I took a better look. Not only was it not a cottonmouth, it was not alive. "Sarah!" I sighed Jesus, you scared the shit out of me, I thought I was gonna die!"

"I thought you were gonna die!" she said, still panicked.

We had a good laugh. Poisonous snakes, good times. Funny enough, we actually came up on a snake that probably was a cottonmouth not too long after that. It was about over a yard long, if not longer. It was a big ass snake.

Our last stop was going to be camping for two days in the Shanenndoah Mountains of Virginia but it was very cold and rainy. Now Sarah was only camping cause I talked her into it and I figured a cold, wet, camping Sarah would be an unhappy Sarah which would make an unahppy JAC so we just drove through the park.

Love this picture.

Along with me being geeky about birds and fish and insects and snakes I also love me some geology. The Appalatian mountains are fascinating because they formed when a big chunk of Africa rammed into the US forcing the land up. I told Sarah quite a lot about it. Hey man, Geology Rocks!

Our trip through the park took us out of the way, so we decided to drive on the state route to get home, which was my idea and may or may not have been a good one... We forgot about how WV is not only very poor but very scary to anyone queer. So we wound about mountain after mountain, tiny "town" after tiny "town" to get home. We couldn't stop at a lot of the hotels we saw cause well, it wasn't exactly a good idea for me to leave the car... So we drove and drove, desperately hoping the next "town" would actually be a town and not just 5 buildings and a lot of scaryness. Sarah kept saying "Well I'm wearing my cross necklace so if nothing else, I can say I'm trying to save your soul." One place had a whole memorial dealio to Stonewall Jackson, a confederate leader. Funny enough, that town also had a street named Gay St. (hehe) We saw a lot of scenery, farms, old houses, and really cool churches. We also saw this random mansion that was really ugly. We thought it was a lottery winnery but apparently he owns all the water systems or something. And apparently we went right through were the Mothman lives and he didn't even come out to say hello. So much for manners. It took us 10 hours to get to Virginia Beach and 17 hours to get back. We had a lot of fun though, and saw a lot of geology.

We were welcomed back into Ohio

by a very large power plant.

The trip went really well, I got a really horrible cluster headache after the beach (too much sun I guess) but considering what it could have been it wasn't too bad. I threw up a lot though. (and no i didn't drink anything. lol) We had a great trip and had sex in every state we went to, including North Carolina (figure that one out. ;)) I also drove in all the states so that was exciting. Yay vacation!

All the pics

AND Here are some pics from "The Bitch is Back" benifit the Fuckhers did in Columbus. Our road trips are always so awesome, we have so much fun. We were invited by Luster, a nationally known drag king. It was a total blast. We thought we'd be the only kings with a bunch of queens but it was ALL kings for all over. It was awesome!!! Everyone was so nice! I made friends with this who's this cutie named Sean Limmerick, but I like to call him Chattenooga cause he's from Chattenooga and we totally made out behind the building. The show was made up of all the kings doing different numbers and they all had props and ellaborate costumes. It was so cool. We did Pump It, Love Machine (lead by me), and Sexy Back. The crowd was amazing and they loved us. We've been invited back in January. Needless to say, we'll be there.
All Columbus pics

And also, earlier this month Sarah and I went pumpkin picking and that was fun! The place we had both been to as kids was closed so we had to find another one. Yay adventure!

On the 7th the Fuckhers did a show a Bullies which went great. The place was packed.

All show pics
All non-show pics

We were choir boys for Bohemian Rhapsody. Aren't we cute??

Everyone did so great. Ale was amazing in Miss Murder, Amanda was in hot lingere, Alesia did De Ja Vu with Kris which rocked out amazing, and Daddy did Riding Dirty with Kendrik and Alesia, Ale, and Amanda chased her around in cop outfits.

I did Numa Numa sporting my new jacket and also Cuban Pete (from The Mask) with Jessica.

Alex, Sonja, and Jason came again and this time brought Lauren and Irene with them. Irene said it was the best night of her life. Next month we are doing a show at Yadda, then again at Bullies I think, then Adonis, Cleavand, and Columbus. Busy, busy. Plus school is really picking up, but I'm actually keeping up. what's up with that??


drag, photos, sarah

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