Conscience, Crisis Of. Part I

Jan 06, 2011 00:20

Title: Conscience, Crisis Of. Part I
Rating: R
Word Count: 705
Characters: Hannah Abbott, Vincent Crabbe
Summary: The only thing Vincent knew how to do was to hex back at anyone who dared hex him first.
Notes: Prompt Table here.
Originally Posted: rarepair_shorts

2 May 1998

The air was thick and hazy with curse fire and the only thing Vincent knew how to do was to hex back at anyone who dared hex him first. He had not earned the right to be marked, just stupid enough to miss, but fleeing with his undecided house meant death, no matter which side won that day. He'd rather fall on his wand rather than be stabbed in the back.

He caught a flash of blonde and his heart jumped into his throat; without thinking he reached out and pushed the girl out of the way as another curse shot past. He knew the girl he had grabbed was not Hannah, just by the feel of her under his fingers, but he did not look to see who until it was safe to do so.

Regina Avery. Slytherin. Fourth year. Hannah's cousin.

"The fuck you doing here?" Normally he would not give a damn. Let the damned fools risk their own necks, but this was Hannah's little cousin. The Hufflepuff would be frantic if she knew Regina was about. "You should've gotten your skinny arse out when you had the chance."

"But my father...." she said weakly as she struggled to get out of his firm grasp.

"Is dead." Karl Avery, free from his confines of Azkaban, had first killed his younger sister before moving onto the much bigger target of his elder brother. Even with their general pro-pureblood leanings within the family, Karl Avery was the only Death Eater among the bunch. Now he was one of the few Averys left in Britain, Hannah's elder brother and her two elder cousins had been sent to Australia at the beginning of the end, with instructions not to come back until the dust had settled.

"Which you will be too if you don't find a place to bunker down and ride this all out." Glancing around, he hauled her up by her arm. "Get. Before you get dead." Hannah could not afford another dead family member.

The fifteen year old looked at the seventh year curiously, perhaps seeing for the first time what her cousin saw beneath the imbecile exterior. Perhaps Hannah had not been so blind after all. "You love her."

He was not having this conversation. Not here. Not now. And certainly not with a little blonde twit like Regina Avery. "Look, if you're not going to save yourself, I guess it's gonna be up to me. Fucking fantastic." Shifting his grip on her arm, Vincent hauled her down the hall, covering his body with hers as they skirted skirmishes between Death Eaters and Everybody Else.

"Oh great, just what I always wanted," Regina muttered under her breath as her shin bumped painfully into a now unrecognizable statue. "A knight in shining... whatever. I think your armor's scratched. And dented."

"Shut up." He really did not need to take this from a skinny, frizzy haired blonde. Really, he should have just found that supply closet where he had stuffed the over talkative and annoying Gryffindor once upon a time and left her there. Nobody would have found her and his conscience would have been clean.

Hannah stumbled down the hallway, looking for her cousin. A sixth year Ravenclaw that Regina may or may not have been overly familiar with, Hannah was not going to dwell on that for too long, had seen the fourth year come up this way. What Regina was still doing in the castle, the blonde had no idea, she should have evacuated with the rest of her house and those who were underage.

Spotting a flash of blonde and a blue jumper she would have known anywhere, Hannah quickened her pace, thanking Merlin for the small miracle that this was all occurring on a day when she was not required to be in uniform. Not only did she not have to worry about accidentally flashing anyone while in denims, trainers were much easier to run from hexing opponents in. "Regina!" Hannah cried, the end of her ponytail swinging as she went. "Regina!"

Both Slytherins turned when they heard her cry out. Vincent's wand was drawn and the curse had already left his lips by the time she drew near.

!ficlet, c: hannah abbott, c: vincent crabbe, *rarepair_shorts

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