(no subject)

Jan 22, 2007 18:09

if i won a million dollars, i'd run away to different countries with my friends & on my return i'd buy an old, neat house in paddington or newmarket on a road with trees around & a little verandah & a big red wooden door. i'd have a pony in the backyard (or maybe up the street) & a dumb, cute dog & i'd smoke peter stuyvesants on the floor & invite my friends over all the time for scotch in hammocks. i'd wear dresses for the rest of my life & i'd work some sweet job that i'd love & be awesome at & never be sad again.

now i'm going to visit my bestie, she was stuck in a change-room this morning with a bunch of completely naked old ladies, & she needs some help recovering!

(i wish my parents went away for the day on the 26th, then i could have friends over to drink & smoke & swim & listen to the hottest 100 all day. oops, i forgot to vote.)
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