May 02, 2005 10:05
I'm feeling a bit off today ... nothing large, huge, or even distressing ... Just a bit off. Most likely due to a slight lack of sleep and copious amounts of coffee.
As far as things have been of late, all I can really say is that they've been fairly the same. Work is neat ... I'm learning lots of new things in the new position, but stressful for all that. Trying to keep up, as it were, and I'm no longer a big fish in a little pond ... now am a minnow in an ocean. It's an interesting ride, though. And the hours are awesome :-)
I like the new apartment. S and I are pleased with the comfiness of it.
Of late, my life has been somewhat invaded by the outer-drama that is larping. In game drama .. eh, I dislike it, but ok. The outer-game drama though ... I'd wish that everyone who larps would take a big breath and go WHOOSH! Or something. There's enough stress and discontent in the world without bringing more unto ourselves ... I treasure the larping community (regardless of what game is played) for its ability to bond together in a certain precious solidarity ... Its distressing to watch it fragment in dissension ... Almost all due to he-said-she-said-misinterpretation.
On another note, whilst coming back and involving myself in the world again, I've found people of late that I used to be far more friendly with looking at me askance and unwilling to engage in conversation. Not sure what that's all about. I'm fairly sure that it has something to do with my self-chosen hermiting of the past year or more. However, that was needed for ~self~ ... and I'm not sure how much more apologizing I have to do. Though, I must admit, I accepted the possibility when I started down that road. Thirty odd years of my life I've put toward others, and none toward self. Two years I put toward self and none toward others. Now, I like to think I've struck a balance.
And now I'm given a thought ... what or why is it that people at large generally won't ~ask~ or confront? Like, I'm fairly sure there are some folks out there that are either pissed at me for something ... or resent something I have done. It's life ... I'm sure there are. However, why is it that at no point said people have actually ~asked~ what occurred or why said thing happened, or whatnot? Do people prefer to seethe in silence?
I can be exceedigly insightful at times ... I can also be exxceedingly blind.
If I do something that pisses you off, then say something. I'll either admit it as a mistake and apologize profusely, or I'll state my reasoning behind my actions and stand by them. And prolly respect you far more for actually saying something.
It is also highly possible that copious amounts of caffeine and slight sleep are making me a tad paranoid. Or I am just highly arrogant in believing that a natural growing apart of people has something to do with me personally.
I'm thinking the last is most likely. *stamps down arrogance* *bad Cari*
As I said, I'm feeling a bit off.
At any rate, other than that, life goes on. Fairly well, for all that.