Jul 10, 2004 12:07
So here I am with one of my stingy little updates ;)
Sitting here at work, listening to the sound of my blood thurmping through my ears and nose. Yesh, sinuses ... again. I'd ~never~ had as much of a problem with sinus infection and irritation until I moved here to Atlanta. Others who have moved here recently from out of state say similar things. Just something in the air here, that, if you are a native, you have some small resistance to.
Us "feriners" ... well, we will die a long and wretched death, clinging to our heads in torturous suffering.
Melodramatic, what? Hehehe ... But there seems to be some kernel of truth to it. Doctors seem to do very little, except proscribe claritin and the like. Which helps a little ... but not a whole lot. When the problem is sinus irritation ~not~ due to allergies ... such things do little. And then they warn you not to overmed on the otc's. Don't want to get too resistant to the otc's, you know. Bah. So basically, after 5 years (my total time here in this state) of going to doctors, they all basically say ... "Either move to a different environment or suck it up".
How precious.
In other news, I've picked up an insidious little addiction called "Magic the Gathering". Old game, I know, but satisfying to play once in a while. Yes, I still EQ, and yes, I've made room for CoH ... and yes, I'd really like to find a copy of NWN with expansions that I could play when I'm bored with all that.
Yesh, I'm a geek. I like video games. There's a part of me that mocks myself ... insomuch as the other part is quite content to stay at home and read / game / whatnot instead of going out and about clubbing and such. Meh. That is simply too expensive. And there's other things I'd rather save for than piss it away in a bar.
Not that the occassional bar trip isn't fun. But occasional is the key word.
The diabetes is getting more difficult to manage ... insomuch as the cheapest foods are the ones I shouldn't be eating. After a kidney scare a couple weeks ago (yesh, it was caught in time to prevent a hospital stay) the doctor impressed upon me the need to monitor blood sugar carefully ... which involves poking myself with a needle and doing blot tests every 3-5 days or so ... or as needed. Fun stuff.
On the snifty news front ..... Completely unlooked for and unexpected things such as ... oh, a breakfast of eggs, cheese, and bacon served in bed are those singular, beautiful things that make you catch your breath and grin. It is a wonderful thing, it is.