Story time . . .millipedeMay 27 2004, 21:42:21 UTC
So my roommate thought she was going to have to take a piss test earlier in the year for a job. And she bought niacin, which is the active ingredient in most "test pure" kits, anyway. . . we figured out she needed to take so many milligrams every so many hours in order to flush out the THC. So she took all this niacin and immediately swelled up and turned reddish purple. And she started to run a fever and sweat. And at first it was really hilarious, she looked like and Umpaloompa, until it dawned on us that she might be dying or something and that we'd have to go to the emergency room and say she had ODed on niacin in order to pass a piss test. That ended up not happening and most hilariously of all, she ended up not having to take the test.
And that is my test pure story.
My other story is about how the last Friday of school I ate three pot brownies and two pot cupcakes. So I'm not passing any drug tests any time soon.
Congrats on the job. Enjoy your summer.
Are you coming back to DSU? You should because you're the only person in that class whose work I don't hate. Except for mine, of course.
And that is my test pure story.
My other story is about how the last Friday of school I ate three pot brownies and two pot cupcakes. So I'm not passing any drug tests any time soon.
Congrats on the job. Enjoy your summer.
Are you coming back to DSU? You should because you're the only person in that class whose work I don't hate. Except for mine, of course.
you be smokin!? pot brownies and everything!? you never offer me none.
...and yes i'll be back. you taking GD III right?
speakin of eatin spaghetti now n im bout to try that bitch out!
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