Third Floor Hallway, Friday Morning

May 06, 2016 06:28

Cassandra was a woman of habit. There was a time for her morning run, and a time for her morning training; a time for her breakfast and a time for her lunch; a time to see the people she cared for the most, and a time to see if the mage hadn't gotten up to anything and was still safely living in his room.

She frowned as she poked her head into Room 322. Perhaps he was out again? She turned around and walked back into the hallway.

Merrill was not without her own habits: for example, getting caught up in her thoughts and not paying attention to where she was going. This almost inevitably resulted in her ending up somewhere other than where she meant to go, but she was just leaving her room this time.

So, no chance to take a wrong turn yet, but it did mean that she very nearly bumped into Cassandra.

"Oh! Ara seranna-ma, Seeker," she blurted out, ducking her head. "I didn't see you there, I'm sorry."

"... Elf," Cassandra said. She was still frowning. Perhaps her face was simply set that way.

She hadn't seen this one in some time. So clearly it was time to ask--

"You would not happen to have seen where Anders has gone?"

Look, she liked to stick to the point.

Well, one of them had to stick to the point.

"Anders?" echoed Merrill, and blinked several times. "No, I haven't seen him, at least not since he came to talk to me . . . the other day, I think it was? I hope he's all right, he was so worried."

Cassandra frowned more deeply. Really, her face was definitely going to get set that way if it wasn't already. "Worried?" she echoed. "About what?"

"His friend, who's lost? He said he needed to get to her world." Merrill's gaze flicked briefly toward Anders's door. "He was hoping I might know a way to get him there . . . aren't you worried your face might get stuck like that?"

Focus, Merrill.

"Sorry. Never mind. I couldn't really think of anything that wasn't, well. Dangerous."

Though to her way of thinking, all magic was dangerous anyway. You just had to be aware of the risks you were taking.

Well, Cassandra would agree on the dangerous. Not so much on there being any kind of scenario where taking the risk was a good idea.

She stopped frowning, at least, in favor of an expression that could charitably be called urgent. "Did you tell him anything?" she said. "Some Dalish magic, perhaps?"

As if Merrill kept company with people inclined toward having good ideas.

She shook her head. "Any magic my people knew to travel such long distances died with Elvhenan," she said, sadly. Well, mostly. If there really were still working eluvians out there . . .

"But we thought that if she was able to reach out to him through the Fade," because that sounded perfectly innocuous as it was, "he might be able to reach her that way. With a little bit of help."

She didn't really want to sell him out, but on the other hand, the agreement between templars and Dalish mages was tenuous at best. What use would she be to her clan if she got herself on the Chantry's bad side?

"He wants to go into the Fade," Cassandra said flatly.

There was not a single word in that sentence that was not impossibly terrible.

"Where is he?" she asked sharply. "Tell me now."

Cass, c'mon, this was why we had words like 'please'.

To her credit, at least Merrill didn't feel the need to ask if Seekers were always grumpy. Though she was wondering, for the record.

"I haven't seen him today," was what she answered instead. "I don't think he'd try anything like that very near the dorms, though. Not if he's got any sense."

"It is Anders," Cassandra replied. "When has he ever known sense?"

She let out a grunt. "Thank you for telling me," she said grudgingly. And... that was as much as Merrill was going to get, as Cassandra was entirely too busy stomping down to the weapons locker.

The Fade. He had better not be getting any ideas about going into the Fade, by Andraste's grace.

[[ preplayed with the awesome cracksmostly! NFB, NFI, ooc is awesome, mwah. ]]

what: oh no you don't, who: [anders], what: ugh, what: i knew it. i knew it., who: merrill, where: third floor, what: mages. mages. mages.

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