oh la la.

Mar 30, 2007 13:13

Ah spring, how great. and annoying at the same time.
But I'm enjoying my time outside working with me plants.
I planted Forget-Me-Not flowers for my Bella. I miss her a lot.
Peepee also comes outside with me and watches everything I do.
I was going to go to San Fran today but I guess my mum didn't want
my sister and I to come. oh well. Everything for the past 4 days has
been boring. this place is boring. Or maybe its me who is boring. not.
I cant wait to go see Muse though. Yes that will be great fun.
Spring break. YAY!! look theres nothing to do.

So some companies are trying to take the right for "free speech" on the internet.
cause we can find things over the internet that tell us the truth.
anyways if anyone wants to sign this you should!! www.savetheinternet.com
I hate how they are trying to block everything out. they already do that to the news.
Its so messed up. and heres a movie about how 9/11 was all set up. "everyone knows it was set up!"
no. not everyone. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7866929448192753501&q=loose+change&hl=en

so if anyone cares at all, you can watch that. its pretty good.
oh, hahah I couldn't sleep last night cause my sister put into my head that aliens made us..
she said we were made to be there slaves and that its the "missing link" and that in
2012 they were going to come back or something... T_T
so I sat there thinking about that until I started feeling sick. lol... then watched tv..
and called Brian and told him what my sister did. T_T
anyways... I'm thinking about getting Lovebirds. I want 2 of them.
they are so cute!!

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