03 [Video]

Jul 28, 2010 15:26

[Catalina is outside in the woods, walking around. It's a lovely day. She's holding it at stomach height so the view is looking up at her face as she looks ahead.]

I'm so used to talking out loud to Suzee it's really kind of lonely and quiet without her. I guess talking to this thing is sort of like talking to her, though. I mean, she was my best friend from another dimension and the people on this device are from dimensions different from mine too. Only different is I get a little privacy with you all.

[She looks down at the device.]

Oh, grozit! I thought I put this on audio!

[She fiddles with it some but stops as there's a rustle in the bushes. She freezes and looks up. She looks scared for a second then lets out a sonic blast. The sound pops and fizzes then cuts out on her device. As she brings it to her side, though, the furry legs of a wolf in retreat are seen bounding back into the brush. Catalina brings the device back up to try and switch it to audio, her mouth going as she talks but the sound no longer being picked up. She seems to realize it after a minute, sighing and leaving with an easily read 'grozit' on her lips as she flips the recording off.]
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