The Op-Ed Project

Jul 08, 2008 15:41

One of my favorite things to do is to write angry letters. Letters to my elected officials, letters to the editor, etc.

So when a friend first e-mailed me a link about the Op-Ed Project, I was excited.

The goal of the project is, " target and train women experts across the nation to project their voices on the op-ed pages of major newspapers and other key forums of public discourse, which are currently overwhelmingly dominated by male voices."

This is so cool!

Except the classes cost between $300-$325 for one day.

I was all set to rant and rave about the classist implications, and the fact that this high fee would probably disenfranchise many woman that might otherwise be interested.

Then I saw this: "We have a commitment to offer reduced fees for a limited number of participants in need. Please contact us to inquire."

And I hope it's true. Therefore, I'm passing this information along.

And while we're at it, feel free to share your thoughts on this project.

X-posted to feminist
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