Originally posted by "lovemanifests" in the "chalice_circle" community

Feb 06, 2008 14:09

Artist and educator Angela Shelton has a new campaign this month called "Report IT!" On April 29th, 2008, she is mobilizing survivors across the country to go to their local county courthouses and report sexual violence. These survivors will not necessarily be at the courthouse in order to file police reports. Instead, they will be standing together, declaring that they were victims of sexual assault and demanding that their communities acknowledge them!

In conjunction with this campaign, Angela is asking survivors to fill out a confidential form via the internet (and co-survivors, if the person is not able to do it themselves.) As many of you know, the statistics we currently have on the incidences of rape, incest and assault do not reflect reality. Sexual assault is one of the most underreported crimes there is. Many of us choose not to report to the police for a multitude of reasons (I could write a whole other e-mail on that!) Through reporting online through Angela's campaign, survivors can safely and confidentially (if they wish) stand up and be counted. We can show the world how many of us have suffered from sexual violence and that our cultures need to change.

Here is the link below for you to REPORT IT!!! Please pass this along to friends, family, coworkers.. to anyone who you believe would like to be counted or knows someone who they want to count:


For more information on the campaign and on Angela Shelton, please visit..


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