When the Homeland Security Dept. report recently leaked out that pro-lifers, and military veterans, among others are potential threats to our country I thought it won't be long now before we start being delivered up to councils as mentioned in Matthew and Mark. I didn't expect to be delivered up to council like this, from a “Christian” community.
In LJChristians I gave this link
http://holyspirited.livejournal.com/ for my April 18th entry and pointed out that in President Obama's speech Tuesday at Georgetown he proclaimed we need a “new foundation”, his economic plan, by using the parable of the wise and foolish builders (Matt 7:23-27) to make his point. And I pointed out that this was putting, if not himself, then definitely his plan in God's place. For this I was delivered up to a moderator and barred.
Jesus' point in the parable was that God is our Rock and our foundation. Did Obama misunderstand the parable to that great a degree or was he deliberately altering and minimizing the meaning of it?
After warning me once about spreading lies (despite the video evidence I provided) the moderator gave me some scripture about how we should obey and honor government and kings. All scripture must be weighed against other corresponding scripture to get its full meaning. I pointed out to her that the Germans obeyed and honored their king, Hitler, and the result was millions of God's chosen people murdered. And I gave her this scripture:
“And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” Acts 4:18-20
jadeejf, the moderator, displaying her scriptural debating skills or lack of the love of truth, responding to that with: “Alright, I think we're done here. Sorry that your time here has been so short, but perhaps next time you'll reconsider complying with moderator requests in the next community you join.”
So I was barred from the community. Delivered up and beaten, for pointing out the truth.
At some point those Nazi's who were closing the doors of the ovens should have disobeyed their earthly king and obeyed God. When someone in such a position of power changes or wrongly teaches the gospel I will speak up about it. My final authority above all men and all governments is God.
So I will be sending out this entry to a few communities. It's illuminating to see which people that call themselves Christians have an aversion to truth and don't answer scripture with scripture. We have many whited sepulchers in this country. For their sake they should be pointed out and the gospel preached. How can they repent if they know not what they do?