↹ 008

Nov 14, 2010 05:27

[The post is dark... it's the very early morning, after all, and this area is apparently off the beaten track, as no lights are present. What is this- ah. The vague shapes of tombstones might betray it as the graveyard.

Something rustles in the grass, and what looks like a woman's body laying prone nearby stirs, hands groping about, looking for something...

They close around the device, and raise it, moving to set it on the body's shoulders... the lens is pointing down, and only blackness, occasionally moving and shifting black vapors, greet the camera.

As if disappointed, the woman? takes the device off her... stump of a neck, too used to the motion of holding a head, and trying to use that as a substitute, it seems. She seems to look around, confused, shoulders turning and what's left of her neck craning, before she stands.

A horse's shrill whinny is heard in the distance.

And the woman turns that way, still groping about in the grass in the dark as if looking for something as the network device's video times out, leaving no answers and nothing further.]

[ooc; this is age reversal- 20 years past for Celty, to when she was freshly headless!headless and not just... headless. Replies will come forward dated to after grab bag.]
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