I'm on a roll for Festivids this year. I already have three completed timelines that I feel pretty happy about- all three might get some fine tuning pending beta feedback but are in good shape and make me feel things when I watch them. and I have vidding mojo and wouldn't be surprised if I make more vids. Make all the vids!
Yuletide, meanwhile, is unsurprisingly slower. I'm out of practice with writing fic. Even though it's due in two days, I've let my creative attention keep drifting back to vidding. I've written about 1500 words, all over the last two days, and I think I probably have another 2-3k to go to finish it well, though I might conceivably finish a version with more narrative economy than I'd prefer in another thousand words, which ought to happen tonight. So that's a nice bit of bears! to deal with. I am happy with my story premise and structure, at least, but there's a lot of little fine details of making the story more than just a good premise that I'm fumbling a bit at.
Good luck to everybody frantically making art!!
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