Vidrec Thursday

Oct 29, 2020 21:22

fanworks spoiled me for choices, but this vid is so joyous and fun and spacious that I decided to go with it. I imagine I'll continuing reccing Fanworks premieres in ensuing weeks.

"Get This Feeling" by
beatriceeagle describes itself as a survey of "22 years of queer representation in western children's TV." And yeah, that's it, but that doesn't quite get to the vomiting rainbows of it all. It's a vid that's full-out a celebration of the representation in media of what it's like to just be yourself, modeling for children open-mindedness and the pursuit of happiness in any form possible.

And its scope, timewise, means that it's tracing out the transition from when I was just becoming a teenager to now, and it shows how the range of what people are willing and able to show on children's television as far as queer identity has widened dramatically just in that short time period.

Get this Feeling on AO3

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