Dear Festividder:
Thanks so much for making a vid for me! I am bad at exchange letters because I like to give people the freedom to do whatever inspires them. So ignore this letter! My taste in music is broad, my taste in vids is broad, go wild and have fun.
Some notes on my fandoms:
שמח חתני | The Women's Balcony (2016) [SAFETY]
This movie is so sweet and I love it to pieces. Interested in any and all characters, and also ensemble focused stuff.
An Emmy for Megan [SAFETY]
Look, all I'm saying is that the bare minimum requirements for a Festivid are: "the vid created must use one of the requested fandoms (limited outside source okay; crossovers not okay unless the recipient indicated such). You choose the song and the subject of your vid; any song ideas or other details provided by the recipient are suggestions, not requirements. The completed vid must be at least 1 minute long but may, of course, be longer." I would be disappointed if you exceeded these requirements by very much. A Festivid for
Danger 5
I love the fucked up Ilsa/Jackson relationship, but I pretty much love everything about the show. All of the vids in the fandom so far that I know of are only S1, so it'd be cool to see some S2 stuff included.
HaSodot | The Secrets (2007) [SAFETY]
This is the best movie I've ever seen at engaging with the deep mysteries of Jewish faith, and I'd love any vid whatsoever that shows us the primary threesome and their relationship to each other and Judaism.
Whodunnit (2013 US TV)
My eternal prompt on this fandom is to go all in on kayfabe and treat it like real murders are happening in canon.
Only Connect (TV)
The obvious vidsong is "Why Aren't There Dolphins on Only Connect", but I'm also okay with other song ideas, lateral thinking.
God Friended Me (TV)
I really like the way this show asks the questions what does it mean to help someone, what are the costs of thinking you're helping someone but not really listening to their needs, and how does a community built around people helping each other look.
The Good Fight (TV)
This show is the best thing I've seen right now at grappling with just how bonkers our politics have become. Lean into how uncannily realistic and preposterous this show is.
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