New Caroline Shaw piece commissioned by Mozart in the Jungle:
Say what you want about how great The Good Place is, and it's plenty great, but the one place Mozart in the Jungle has it topped is in original Caroline Shaw compositions. You hear that, Mike Schur? When are YOU going to commission a Caroline Shaw piece?
The words they use to describe the piece on the show: "The piece that she [Shaw] gave me is called "Hi" and it's about how she wishes we could all say Hi to each other with total explosive joy and realness... like a volcano of happiness and sorrow, or like a spaceship... but I guess you guys don't actually know what a space ship is, but like a spaceship you could take to the stars, and from there you can see everything."
I think that's about right. The music starts out in hi, in the interrogatories of meeting new people for the first time and sorting them out, and then when the instruments stop and the voices come together, Shaw attains something numinous and unexpectedly joyful. Also there are flower pots.
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