eleven 2011 goals

Dec 30, 2010 15:36

i tend to jinx myself when i say *i'm going to do x, y, and z*, but you know what, this year i am making goals and i'm going to keep those goals...even if it kills me.  some will probably seem silly, but i'd like it all written out for myself anyway.

2011 is MY year...it IS going to be the year i change my life and everything about me once and for all.

so here goes...

1. learn to love myself as i am.  this is by far going to be the hardest, but i am going to do everything i can to learn to be okay with me.  me in the moment...not me 100 pounds from now, not me when i make more money, not me when i'm married and have babies...just me who i am right now.  nothing more, nothing less...i need to learn that i am okay as i am.

2. stick to my eating plan (eating every three hours, five times a day) as closely as possible.  the only problem i see with this is my work schedule because right now i'm low man on the totem pole and i can work three different shifts in a single week, rather than working the same (or about the same) schedule every day.  it's especially hard when i get stuck with 12a - 8a shifts and then day shifts and then 3:30 - 12a shifts, but i'm going to try my hardest to figure something out.

3. exercise AT LEAST 30 minutes a day AT LEAST five days a week.  again, the work schedule can sometimes make this a bit hard, but i am definitely going to do what i can to reach and exceed this goal.

4. drink AT LEAST 160 ounces of water each day.  this shouldn't be too hard for me, although i notice that i now am better about getting my water in on the days i work (we have an ice/water machine at work that i LOVE!) because i have 44oz cup at my desk that i fill up when i get there, on my first 15 minute break, at lunch, and on my last 15 minute break, so right there i've got 176 ounces in.

5. continue to read my bible daily and start a daily gratitude journal.  i believe that these two go hand in hand.  i don't believe in religion, but i do believe in God and lately i've been reading my bible daily and it has brought me some comfort through the past few months.  i try to read daily devotionals as well, so i try to read my bible first thing in the morning and at night.  i need to pick up a new daily devotional for this year as well.  i think starting a gratitude journal will really help me with all i'm going through as well...i know i did it a while back, but didn't stick to it because life got in the way, but at this time i feel it's something that's really important.

6. try to keep up with my livejournal as much as possible.  i started this journal when i began my weight loss journey almost six years ago and when i was really kicking ass and taking names, i was updating a lot and then as life got in the way i stopped updating as much and of course stopped losing as much, so i'm going to try and start back up as much as possible (again the funky work schedule can throw a wrench in it) and see what happens.

7. get my fiances in order and start an emergency fund.  i really want to switch to a credit card free lifestyle (not that i have many, but when we were without jobs that is what we used, so the balances aren't low) as quickly as possible and i would like to pay off the few debts that i do have as soon as possible.  and it's sad to say, but i don't have an emergency fund and i know it's important (and it would have helped me quite a bit the past few months if i did have one), so i think it's time i got one in order.

8. get back to my organizational self.  i'm not sure where i got off track with this, probably when i was laid off.  i used to be so organized and everything had it's place (with my paperwork), but i somehow just stopped worrying about it as much and now it's a mess.  i figure this will only take me a few weeks to do, but it's something i look forward to.

9. get back to my skin care routine.  my skin is one of the things i get the most compliments about, but with all the craziness of the past few months i've kind of let my regimen slip and i'm starting to notice it and if i don't get back on track, i think i'm going to pay for it in the long run.  not to mention, it's a little *me* time that i used to enjoy everyday.

10. read one new book a month and learn to knit or crochet.  i know this probably sounds silly, but i love reading and haven't gotten to do much of it lately, but again i need to get back to doing things that i enjoy.  which is why i think these two go hand in hand because i really want to learn to knit or crochet and it will be another activity that i can do to relax and that i will enjoy (hopefully).

11. once i am financially able - join a gym again and find some exercise classes i can join.  right now a gym membership is a bit of a *luxury* so that's why i'm putting this at the bottom of my list, but as soon as i can i want to join a gym again and find some classes.  i really enjoy zumba, so hopefully around summer i can get back to the gym and find some zumba or dance classes i can take.

like i said, some of these are probably silly, but i hope to accomplish each and every one this year.  i may add some more later as i think more about it, but for right now, i think this is a good list to focus on and i look forward to crossing them all off.

as i said...2011 is all about ME!!!
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