Jan 24, 2007 12:41
Everything seems to ebb and flow. Like tides. It is either all coming in or all going out. Today I got a letter from Social Services (they handle my sister’s medical insurance card). Seems that I had saved too much money to move them the fuck out of my house. Because I had to send copies of the bank statements in at the end of the year, (with the paperwork that I had to fill out on her,) she has too much money to be allowed to keep her medical assistance card. It doesn’t matter that the money is now gone, one short month later, paying old bill collectors off. Or that her husband has no insurance and that we are scrambling to pay those debts. All that matters is what we showed on December 31st. So I called. I pleaded my case. How are they supposed to move out, if I don’t save this money, I asked. I know, I know was their only reply. What do I do about the new bills that she’ll be acquiring? The best you can, her case worker replied. If you get too far in over your head you can always come back and reapply for back assistance. So. Yeah, ok. Great. Just great.
I have a tooth in desperate need of pulling. I see the dentist tomorrow. There’s a day I can’t wait to wake up for. And my shoulder is killing me today. I do not know how many times it woke me up last night, throbbing. I did finally take more motrin at 3am. Impingement, the doctor called it. All I know is that there is supposed to be a space between the top bone and ball joint, and there isn’t any. And every time I move my arm, it hurts. Sometimes it’s just sore, sometimes it fucking hurts. Today, it Fucking Hurts. I have percocet. But that’s for my back. And if I use it for my shoulder, and that makes me use it faster than I would normally, my doctor will not give renew the ’script before it’s time. Then what if my back fires up? Christ. The joys of being in pain and trying to decide which pain is more painful. lol. It’s the damn tooth. When you have a toothache, everything hurts. Even your toenails. You know I’m right, don’tcha?
It’s the ebbing and flowing. The damn tooth, not getting much sleep because my arm hurt so much. Even though I was in bed at 6:30 last night. Hope our wonderful president didn’t say anything I shouldn’t have missed. Then getting up to the fucked up system that is our Social Services. Hopefully tomorrow will be more flowing and less ebbing.