Mar 08, 2009 22:36
Eh-hehehe... guess I didn't make it back like I said I would... sorry :( Well, some good news is that next week is Spring Break! Yay! Me and my mom are going to Washington D.C. as a graduation present. I'm really excited about it XD Okay, so most of you don't know this, but ever since I was six, I've kept my hair really long, like down to the middle of my back, and I haven't had bangs in 12 years... well, today, I got it cut above my shoulders AND I got BANGS! Gah, I'm starting to remember why I got rid of them in the first place ^^; Argh, 4 days until the boys come out with their new album! I'm so excited, I can't hardly stand it. And when are they gonna make a DVD for the Mirotic concert??? I WANNA SEE XIAHTIC IN HIGH DEF, DAMMIT!!!!!!! *Ahem* On a side note, does anyone want to murder my Brit. Lit. teacher for me? She has us reading stories that are in Middle English, and hell if I can read it >:( I'll give you an example: "A Monk ther was, a fair for the maistrye, a n outridere that loved venerye, a manly man, to been an abbot able." If anyone can translate that, I'll give you 1,000,000,000 cookies. Ridiculous. Anyway, can anyone help me remember how to post my story up? I can't remember how to do all the link stuff anymore... I've been away to long :(