Title: A Joonew Fic
Author: seekin4therapy
Pairing: Joon/Onew
Rating: PG
(written for
“C’mon, just let me put it in!”
“Yah, it’s not gonna fit! It’s too long.”
“It’s not too long, it’ll fit, just let me…”
“Oh, fine.”
“See? It’s all in there. Told ya it would fit!”
“You don’t have to sound so smug about it.”
“Heh. So, what do you think?”
“Mmm… it’s… weird.”
“Well here, let me just move-”
“Okay okay! You try moving it then.”
“I dunno, it’s… it’s so hard…”
“Yeah, but don’t worry, it’ll get easier.”
“It will?”
“Trust me. Soon you’ll learn to enjoy it.”
“Alright. I trust you.”
“Good. Now, let me just touch it here and-”
*door opens*
“Hey, what are you two doi-JESUS CHRIST!”
Joon squeaked and toppled out of the desk chair, Onew guiltily turning to face the horrified leader.
“Sorry hyung, I was just showing him how to use Twitter.”
“Oh thank God.” Seungho heaved out a sigh of relief. “I thought you two were watching porn. Well, I’m going to go out to eat with Byunghee as soon as he’s done combing his chest hair, so I’ll see you later.”
Onew waved at Seungho’s retreating back as Joon climbed back into his chair, grumbling. Onew turned back to him with a smile.
“Try one more time.”
Joon sighed but carefully went back to attempting to use the touchpad on the laptop, slowly typing in a message into the tweet box. Onew watched, tapping his fingers against the desk for a bit before speaking up.
“Joon hyung?”
“Let’s have sex.”