Tuckered and Grimy

Aug 25, 2024 20:41

Today Jeff (my Ex) came over to help me with a yard project that the city demanded. The lilac bushes and a tree were hanging over the front yard fence too much, too low--making folks walking the sidewalk along the Avenue duck &/or dodge. They've been trimmed up a couple/few times over the 30-ish years we've been here. I've been getting some of the easier parts done over the last week plus, but today we tackled the harder stuff. It was hard and sweaty work, but we managed to get the bulk done. The piles of cut off branches and such are as follows: 2 fairly smallish ones in the front yard and 4 (I think, MAYBE 5) mostly larger ones in the back yard. Now I'll get to bag &/or cut to 3-feet or less length and bundle into neat smallish bundles. The city is a picky bugger.

Jeff and I got in some good talking. Needed stuff. Not that all is now Hunky-Dunky and such. But I think there was some healing and building of better understanding.

Now I need to get in the shower and wash off a bunch of grime, sweat, and tree/dirt/old leaves/&etc Guck. Good night, my Friends. Be well and as happy as your day and situation allow. Love to you ALL!!!!  ;-}
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