Bare Bones Sharing

May 31, 2022 07:27

This will be sparsely written since I have things to tell, but only 15 minutes.

I've been fighting an on-off sick-ee bug since last Wednesday when I left work for my home and bed before noon. Today, I've sent my boss an email letting her know that I'll be working from home today due to feeling illness wrapping rather closely around me. She is so very cool about such things, understanding and trusting that we are adults and know what we're doing when we stay home with illness.

Fortunately, I felt well on Sunday afternoon when Jeff and I met Thespian15 and MrDreamJeans at the State Fair Grounds for a 4pm to 9pm slot at the "Kick-off to Summer" Event. Despite tired/painful feet and legs, we all had an enjoyable time shopping, snacking, and Big-Time Chatting! It was hard to leave when the Security Guards started to--relatively politely--chivvy us toward the exits. The State Fair feeling was there like a lightly applied spice and--although it was clearly NOT the Real Thing--it was a GOOD taste of the Fair and a mighty nice way to spend a late afternoon/evening. Especially with such great company!

Our sweet Arrow has also been suffering with his health. He's had diarreha for a couple days. Jeff picked up some pumpkin puree to add to his meals, so we hope he will be better soon. He's been so very GOOD about trying to let us know that he NEEDS TO GO OUTSIDE--AND I MEAN NOW, MOM! He is a VERY good boy.

Gotta get myself together and log-in to work. Take care, y'all! Have a terrific day.

health, state fair, arrow, friends

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