Surprise #2! (Surprised Us, Too!)

Mar 06, 2022 15:49

The below is ALL JEFF'S FAULT!!!! He heard this "On the scene" promotion while we were out in the car picking up a very few things at local shops. Next thing I know, we're heading to Elk River (roughly 35 miles one way trip). And--here's where my weakness came into play--before I fully analyzed all potential ramifications:

Click to See...

Dusty Rocket was crawling all over the back seat, back window, and poor Arrow's back! They claimed he is a 2 year-old cattle dog. We agree the cattle dog part is at least partly correct; but we figure he's no more than 18 months. He is soooo mouthy, soooo bouncy, soooo curious about EVERYTHING!!! (especially about things that are ON TOP of Things. ON TOP OF tables-and-counters-and-coffee tables-and-on top of plates-etc). He sooooo wants to be cuddled and loved. The latter......he's GOT IT!

Most of you know our Arrow who is struggling to adjust to this energetic young interloper:

Arrow and Dusty are destined to be great friends and to share Great Adventures!

Jeff and I will likely acquire random twitches and start jumping at shadows or sudden noises. But we'll come out of it all just fine. Juuuust fiii...

surprise!, dogs

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